Monday, May 18, 2009

Starting off with a bang...........

One needs to go no further in proof of life's unfairness than to learn that Farah Fawcett, a woman over whose image nearly every man over age thirty has masturbated at least once, is dieing of asshole cancer.

Nancy Pelosi, on the other hand is a cancerous asshole over which no one has ever masturbated. Go figure.

I actually kinda like Obama even though he's a dyed in the wool, 100%, Commie Cocksucker that has spent us into the poor house. However I offer the following as food for thought:

A dear friend of mine, now deceased for two years, once said to me in his best South Philly Italian rasp, " first thing you do when you get married, you take the first paycheck and blow it on something extravagant, Italian hand made shoes, silk shirts, really expensive ties, something just for you that you can take home on that first payday.", " Scares the shit outta them, they think you're gonna blow the food and rent money, hell you'll have 'em squirrelling money away everywhere, saving to feed the kids, you'll have more money than you ever had".

So, you don't think Obama is running some kind of similar scam?

I spent my working life in the Health Insurance field. It pisses me off when people tell me how complex it is, how difficult to understand......horseshit. You want something that's truly complex........impossible to understand, try shopping for cell phone service. My advice, tell 'em to roam up your asshole and make calls from home.

Lastly, the fuckin Cards are in first place in the central division, a catastrophe of the first order. I don't know where the Mets doesn't matter much until the play offs. I'm planning on seeing the CUBS in September..........AT&T Park, San Francisco. I'm thinking of taking a run at the bride about driving my decrepit ass to Denver to take in a few games. Fucking foreigners, except the Japanese, don't get baseball. The beauty of the game is lost on them.That, of course, should tell you something.

It's a weird world where you have more appreciation for guys that eat raw polliwogs for lunch than guys that have a couple a pints a bitter, a chunk of cheddar cheese and white bread with some pickles on the side. I mean one side has cheerleaders for their baseball teams, the other call soccer football and look at cricket as the predecessor of baseball.

I like the bitter, ploughman's lunches, and my fish cooked, but lets face it.............the Brits are fucked when it comes to sport. Any people that doesn't appreciate baseball are (to come about full circle) assholes.


  1. I sat here for several minutes, fingers poised over the keyboard, unable to get past this one thought; what happened to my friend to make him so cynical and angry?

  2. life it's ownself. remember i said in the introductory email that this was for fun. it's supposed to be cynical humor...........a take off on archie bunker...................don't be so serious kiddo, i'll pump up the humor
