Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Heeee's back

For some unknown reason I have had political correctness on my mind lately. Notice how you never seem to hear about it in the TV news or main stream press anymore? It is just part of everyday life now, no longer news.

I retired in 1997 and I know the workplace has changed a great deal since then, but in the 1997 workplace, a female employee complaint was met with a question about the local court's attitude rather than any question about the facts of the case. In most jurisdictions you were going to lose in a jury if the complainant became the plaintiff, well just give them the company.

I hope it's gone back to more fact based now, but I doubt it. It. the whole political correctness thing, is a creation of a collaboration between the feminist movement of the 80's and the ACLU wing of the far left. The starting premise exists only in the more paranoid minds of the left. They theorize and move on to God;sown truth, the idea that all corporations are bad and that fact is self evident. A corporation seeks labor at the lowest rate it can get in the community and (this is the part the left can never stand) guarantee the quality and turn over rates they need to adequately serve their customers. They leave out the last part and conclude, every time, that the management of such enterprises are there to violate employees rights and subjugate the employees to managements whim.

Obvious horseshit, no business enterprise could exist in today's market of cost, quality and service requirements with a business model and human resources outlook such as this.

Of course the left doesn't agree. Their "truth" is that their world view is not only "right" but morally superior to any other. Attempts at rational discussion, negotiated compromise and reconciliation of divergent views are met with claims of moral superiority, demonetization of the company involved and political demagoguery. That's our moral darlings on the left......always the first to use dirty political tricks. Doesn't anyone else see this as inconsistent and contrary to moral superiority? I submit that it is proof that the left is morally bankrupt. The left is better characterized as a toy of George Soros culminating in organizations such as Acorn Corporation. Morally superior my ass.

But these guys brought us political correctness as proof of their moral superiority. They've constructed a world where any female or minority that cries foul is automatically a downtrodden unfortunate who white managers are abusing, they are, if they make it to court, to be buried in money and lauded as standing firmly on the moral high ground even if his or her complaint is utter bullshit and has been labelled as such by everyone, save the jury, that has rationally examined it.

Remember I'm an opinionated jerk..................and I fucking hate these guys, they are rapists at heart, superficially attached to a perverse world view that has more to do with emotion than logic and observation. You've heard "first we hang the lawyers", whoever said it got the order wrong, liberals and unionists should take the first walk up those gallows stairs. I, for one, hope they are steep and high and they arrive at the drop out of breath and legs burning from the effort, then unceremoniously hung , gently, no drop, so it takes a long while for them to strangle to death, providing the crowd plenty of time to buy popcorn and cokes............whata you want to bet that those serving same are minimum wage long-haired, earth shoe wearing, Volkswagen van with a peace sign on the front and Jerry sticker on the back window, driving, Whirled Peas and Obama 08 bumper sticker, certified morally superior buddies of the unfortunates dangling at the end of the rope.

It'll be their turn soon enough.

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