Saturday, May 23, 2009

Good vs. Bad

Both Obama and Cheney gave speeches this week on National Security. Both said they were right, Cheney in the real world of foreign poor people that hate us and will take every opportunity to get us..........basically the old argument that man is inherently evil and will practice it every chance he gets. In that world lost wallets are never returned, lost children never found safe, etc. In this world we watch the haters and try to catch them before they act. And then we bomb them.

Obama, on the other hand basically argued that we should take the moral high ground and act as though man is inherently good...........then when they do inherently evil things we bomb them. It's mostly a difference that only progressive nations get. The rest of the world wonder why we waited so long. We have the power everybody knows we're going to use it if we're attacked or threatened credibly. So why not get on with it.

Way I see it both guys are wrong, man is neither good or bad. It's who wants it the most at that particular time and who thinks they can get away with evil acts. Man acts in his own best interest 99% of the time. Osama didn't care about a bunch of ideologues on plane that were going to kill themselves and he knew that the mountains of Afghanistan would hide him until the USA lost interest. He's just about made it, a couple more years of quagmire in Afganistan at 90 billion dollars a year and Obama will cut and run.

The thing that was most puzzling to me was that Obama said the past eight years were a mess that he had to clean up, but he has reserved to himself every tactic Bush used and an overwhelming majority of the policies of the last eight years he has kept in effect. Some of them are public some aren't. His solution for Gitmo is basically the Bush solution. So what, whatever works in a pinch. He's acting in his own best political interests and the best security interests of the country, which also happens to be in his best political interests.

His speech was more about busting Congress' balls than anything else. They actually stood up to him and said he can't have the money! How dare they, everybody knows he's just trying to fix the world, it's a hard job but he's taken it on, the people think he's the messiah (at least the starry eyed left). Who the hell is 90 senators to tell him, our fearless leader and a minority at that, what he can and can't do. How much money he get. Honky Muthafuckers.

I spent 17 years of my life going to 37 union local annual meetings, banquets, picnics, etc. As well as all the national meetings of the National office. Every officer and about eighty percent of the union were black and worked in the lowest wage grade of the the USPS. Minority Union politics was a wonder to watch and exciting to learn. Most meetings, eventually, dissolved into an argument between factions as to "who be da muthafucker".

However, there was a definite pattern to their elections and subsequent governance. First the candidate firmly establish a problem that was partially real. It's real aspect, or it's economic aspect, was soon after expanded to contain a significant social aspect.............which existed mostly because they were a disadvantaged underclass, or in street talk, black. The plan of action was established in broad general terms, political action, grievance filing, membership drives, etc. were blended into the candidate's version of an unique solution to what upon research were found to be historically complex problems requiring all three branches of government, acting against their own interests, to fix. In other words unsolvable problems that only the senior people in the three branches of government understood. Of course, only lawyers and interested vendors did the research, the union was too busy arguing the basic premise explained in the last paragraph.. Upon election the new President of the union and his entourage traveled, flying first class, staying in four star hotels and eating at only four star restaurants, collecting input for the issue at hand, they even changed the union constitution to handle some problems, i.e. they could deem, by a vote of the executive board their girl friends to be their spouses for a certain trip, they were required to visit all 37 locals once per year, especially the 19 members in Hawaii, and 15 in San Juan Puerto Rico, and, of course they were required by the constitution to travel by first class air to maximize the status of the union. When the money ran out and enemies started to swarm, mostly white, i.e. the Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Labor, the parent body, a large broad based national union known for some very tough national liaisons between the unions, these gentlemen were, to a person Italian and either from New York or Chicago, the president concluded and spoke extensively at every meeting that he was making progress and that his enemies were on him only because he's black.

Just watch, if they congress continues to be a rational check and balance as the are supposed to be under the constitution Obama will return to the street where he came up in Chicago politics, race politics and hard, bad ass tactics. It's who he is after all. There is an old saying in race can take the boy out of the ghetto, you can't take the ghetto outta the boy. If I'm remotely right this could get to be fun. He's already admitted we're out of money. God I hope I never hear Obama claim that anything happened "only because he's black".

Of course along the way the reason for the fight, remember Cheney vs. Obama, will get lost. We're going to close Gitmo and send the poor bastards to the wild of the Montana plains, no town within fifty miles and then anybody there from the middle east is rifle practice. In the summer there is no breeze, it's over 100 every day and rain is scarce, just like home , but in the winter they're going to freeze their Yemeni asses off, as much as fifty below, not above twenty from early November until late March when it turns to one big mud puddle until May when it starts to bake. Welcome to the USA, see what the liberals wrought, nice guys huh, from the tropics and Caribbean ocean to hell.

Even that is neither good or bad, it's possible, it'll be done with Congressional approval, the press will find something else to satiate their desire for dirty laundry and everything will go along as normal...............all screwed up.

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